Please share your Water Energizer testimonials
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After feeling the benefits and efficiency of some of the RETURNING brand products (Healing Pad for the back and especially Personal Energy Doctor) I use them regularly.
Still, I was curious about how the Water Energizer affects the quality of water and especially if using Water Energizer makes any difference in the taste of our homemade eco apple juice.
Our juice is made without any preservatives, no extra water or sugar is added.
Apples are produced without pesticides and artificial fertilizers, they are squeezed into juice mechanically, heat pasteurized, and stored into 1-liter glass bottles.
Keeping a bottle of juice on the Water Energizer for around 20 minutes gave us amazing results. The test was made with 12 different people whom all agreed on the same following facts:
The taste of the juice is softer, less sour, full of harmonious taste versus the other bottle of juice that was not on the Water Energizer.
Imagine the taste of drinking freshly squeezed apple juice from the times of our grandparents. We will use Water Energizer also for our other homemade liquid products from apples, carrots, red beets, and lavender.
Water Energizer certainly returns back the taste of nature, completely!