Healing Pad can be a silent, ongoing daily helper during your work hours and beyond.
Business people sit a lot during work time and Healing Pad can help them with:
- Reducing stress and fatigue
- Increase circulation
- Stimulating creativity and increasing productivity in any working environment
- Positively affecting the ability for faster learning and better memory
- Invigoration of mind and body
- Improving concentration
- Supporting and accelerating regeneration after mental and physical stress
- Reducing chronic pain in the neck, upper, mid, and lower back
- Calming emotionally
- Increasing performance and resilience and well-being (provides more energy for the day)
- Boosting, supporting, and strengthening the immune system
- Relieving headaches and migraines
Ideally, each business person should have one Healing Pad, size 36 cm x 36 cm / 3 cm thick (14.17 inches x 14.17 inches / 1.18 inches thick), to sit on it during work hours and the second one to sleep on during the rest periods, size 50 cm x 50 cm / 1 cm thick (19.68 inches x 19.68 inches / 0.39 inches thick).
Healing Pad can be a silent, ongoing daily helper during the services that you provide.
Healing Pad will provide positive benefits to your clients beyond the treatment time.
Your clients sit or lie down during massages, treatments, therapies, yoga, and wellness services.
Healing Pad can help them with:
- Enhancing bodywork and energy therapies (treatment benefits last longer)
- Reducing stress and fatigue
- Faster and deeper relaxation
- Boosting, supporting, and strengthening the immune system
- Relieving headaches and migraines
- Improving sleep
- Reducing physical pain
- Increasing circulation
- Supporting in recovery phases after illnesses, sports injuries, or surgeries
- Supporting and accelerating regeneration after mental and physical stress
- Invigoration of mind and body
- Improving concentration
- Providing calmness and a happier mood
- Reducing weight by activating the metabolism
- Reduces / eases muscle pain and tension
- Decreasing rheumatoid arthritis pain
- Regulating blood pressure
- Soothing anxiety and depression
- Reducing chronic pain in the neck; upper, mid, and lower back
- Reducing anxiety
- Reducing fibromyalgia pain
- Easing symptoms of depression
- Soothing difficult breathing and chest pressure
- Strengthening the muscular system
- Supporting tissue regeneration
- Renewing bodily energy and supporting in recovery phases – which is very important in recovery after surgery and treatments of chronic diseases
- Calming emotionally
- Reducing cramps in legs
- Overcoming sadness and fear
- Increasing performance and resilience and well-being (provides more energy for the day)
Place the Healing Pad, size 36 cm x 36 cm / 3 cm thick (14.17 inches x 14.17 inches / 1.18 inches thick), so that your clients sit on it during the chair massages, treatments, therapies, and wellness services, or place it so that your clients lie on it during the massage treatments, therapies and wellness services, size 50 cm x 50 cm / 1 cm thick (19.68 inches x 19.68 inches / 0.39 inches thick).
Ideally, order one Healing Pad, size 50 cm x 50 cm / 1 cm thick (19.68 inches x 19.68 inches / 0.39 inches thick), for your personal use at your home and another one that will be used at your business location.
You can even order several more Healing Pads and sell them directly to your clients for a little higher price.
Healing Pad will provide positive benefits to everyone that is using the RETURNING – Self–Healing Technique, beyond the treatment time.
To learn more about the RETURNING – Self–Healing Technique please click HERE.
Healing Pad can be a silent, ongoing daily helper during your work hours and beyond.
Medical staff and their patience can safely use Healing Pad that can help them with:
• Improving quality of life in hospice care
• Supporting in recovery phases after illnesses, sports injuries, or surgeries
• Boosting, supporting, and strengthening the immune system
• Reducing stress and fatigue
• Faster and deeper relaxation
• Relieving headaches and migraines
• Improving sleep
• Reducing physical pain
• Increasing circulation
• Supporting and accelerating regeneration after mental and physical stress
• Invigoration of mind and body
• Increase circulation
• Improving concentration
• Reduces / eases muscle pain and tension
• Decreasing rheumatoid arthritis pain
• Regulating blood pressure
• Soothing anxiety and depression
• Insomnia (many users often report falling asleep faster, having longer phases of sleep, and increasing the degree of recovery during the rest period
• Reducing anxiety
• Reducing fibromyalgia pain
• Easing symptoms of depression
• Soothing difficult breathing and chest pressure
• Strengthening the muscular system
• Supporting tissue regeneration
• Renewing bodily energy and supporting in recovery phases – which is very important in recovery after surgery and treatments of chronic diseases
• Creating a positive atmosphere, enables peaceful dreams and deeper rest during the night
• Calming emotionally
• Reducing cramps in legs
• Overcoming sadness and fear
• Increasing performance and resilience and well-being (provides more energy for the day)
• Promoting better cell functions
Ideally, each medical staff member and their patience should have one Healing Pad, size 36 cm x 36 cm / 3 cm thick (14.17 inches x 14.17 inches / 1.18 inches thick), to sit on it during work hours and the second one to sleep on during the rest periods, size 50 cm x 50 cm / 1 cm thick (19.68 inches x 19.68 inches / 0.39 inches thick).
Healing Pad can be a silent, ongoing daily helper during your sports activities and during your work hours and beyond.
Everyone involved in sports and those that work outdoors and spend a lot of time on their feet can benefit from Healing Pad that can help them with:
- Boosting energy levels
- Reducing physical pain in tired legs
- Increase circulation
- Strengthening the muscular system
- Reducing cramps in legs
- Increasing circulation
- Reducing stress and fatigue
- Improving sleep
- Boosting, supporting, and strengthening the immune system
- Stimulating creativity and increasing productivity in any working environment
- Invigoration of mind and body
- Improving concentration
- Insomnia (many users often report falling asleep faster, having longer phases of sleep, and increasing the degree of recovery during the rest period
- Increasing performance and resilience and well-being (provides more energy for the day)
Ideally, each person should have one Healing Pad, size 50 cm x 50 cm / 1 cm thick (19.68 inches x 19.68 inches / 0.39 inches thick).
Healing Pad can be a silent, ongoing daily helper during your work hours and beyond.
Drivers and pilots sit a lot during work time and Healing Pad can help them with:
• Reducing stress and fatigue
• Invigoration of mind and body
• Improving concentration
• Increase circulation
• Stimulating creativity and increasing productivity in any working environment
• Positively affecting the ability for faster learning and better memory
• Supporting and accelerating regeneration after mental and physical stress
• Increasing circulation
• Boosting, supporting, and strengthening the immune system
• Relieving headaches and migraines
• Reducing chronic pain in the neck; upper, mid, and lower back
• Reducing cramps in legs
• Increasing performance and resilience and well-being (provides more energy for the day)
• Improving sleep
Ideally, each person should have one Healing Pad, size 36 cm x 36 cm / 3 cm thick (14.17 inches x 14.17 inches / 1.18 inches thick), to sit on it during work hours and the second one to sleep on during the rest periods, size 50 cm x 50 cm / 1 cm thick (19.68 inches x 19.68 inches / 0.39 inches thick).
Healing Pad can be a silent, ongoing study helper during elementary, high-school, college years, and beyond.
Students sit a lot during study time and Healing Pad can help them with:
• Positively affecting the ability for faster learning and better memory
• Supporting and accelerating regeneration after mental and physical stress
• Improving concentration
• Reducing fatigue
• Increase circulation
• Invigoration of mind and body
• Stimulating creativity
• Renewing bodily energy
• Boosting, supporting, and strengthening the immune system
Ideally, each student should have one Healing Pad, size 36 cm x 36 cm / 3 cm thick (14.17 inches x 14.17 inches / 1.18 inches thick), to sit on it during study hours and the second one to sleep on during the night, size 50 cm x 50 cm / 1 cm thick (19.68 inches x 19.68 inches / 0.39 inches thick).
Healing Pad can be a silent, ongoing helper so that your guests can have amazing benefits that will help them create lasting positive memories.
Healing Pad can help your guests with:
• Improving sleep
• Creating a positive atmosphere, enables peaceful dreams and deeper rest during the night
• Providing calmness and a happier mood
• Insomnia (many users often report falling asleep faster, having longer phases of sleep, and increasing the degree of recovery during the rest period
• Improving intimate life
• Faster and deeper relaxation
• Reducing stress and fatigue
• Boosting, supporting, and strengthening the immune system
• Reducing physical pain
• Increasing circulation
• Supporting and accelerating regeneration after mental and physical stress
• Invigoration of mind and body
• Improving concentration
• Increase circulation
• Children’s bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis)
• Reduces / eases muscle pain and tension
• Renewing bodily energy
• Calming emotionally
• Harmonizing relationships
• Increasing performance and resilience and well-being (provides more energy for the day)
Ideally, each person that sleeps at your business location should have one Healing Pad, size 50 cm x 50 cm / 1 cm thick (19.68 inches x 19.68 inches / 0.39 inches thick), to sleep on it during the night.