It is necessary to drink water because proper hydration is one of the prerequisites for a healthy life. We should supply our body with at least two liters of water daily (67 fl oz), the amount of fluid our body loses during the day.
It is not only important to drink the recommended amount of water every day, but it is also important to choose what kind of water we take into our bodies. We are what we eat but we are also what we drink.
Revitalize and enhance your drinking water with the Water Energizer and boost your energy and harmony levels at the same time.
Water is the largest and most important part of our body.
Since the water we drink comes to every single cell in our body, water quality has an impact on each of them, and thus the health of the organism as a whole.
The crystal structure of the Water Energizer positively changes the molecular structure of water, which means that it changes the information that it transfers to our body on the cellular and molecular level.
Research has shown that the structure of such energized water is very similar to water from clean, unspoiled nature. In addition to water, Water Energizer effectively energizes all other liquids for drinking and water for watering flowers.
Keep water (or other drinking liquids) in a container on Water Energizer for a short time, up to approximately 20 minutes, before consumption or watering flowers.
Preferably use containers made from natural materials like glass.
Water Energizer is a gorgeous artwork, eye-catching and powerful. It is hand-made in several stages to give a stunning appearance and at the same time, it is providing extraordinary and lasting positive effects.
Water Energizer is made of crystal structure materials and the highest quality acrylic.
Proper hydration
Proper hydration is extremely important because if you don’t stay hydrated, your physical performance can suffer.
The brain is strongly influenced by your hydration status and dehydration can trigger headaches and migraines in some individuals.
Drinking plenty of water can help you lose weight while low water consumption appears to be a risk factor for constipation in both younger and older individuals.
Increase energy
Energized water with the Water Energizer can help you feel more energized and more active throughout the day.
Protects the environment
By reducing the production and use of plastic bottles, you can help reduce waste on Earth.
Helps with nutrient transfer
Water Energizer produces beautiful and perfectly shaped water crystals. It is an indicator of good water quality with a high level of energy. Thus, perfectly formed crystals pass easily through the cell walls of our body which makes the absorption of minerals and nutrients much more efficient.
Boosts immunity
Energized water with the Water Energizer enhances the absorption property, which greatly improves cell function. Water energized by the Water Energizer boosts your immunity, which can allow you to live a healthier life.
The product benefits include:
- Proper hydration
- Boost your energy
- Protects the environment
- Helps with nutrient transfer
- Boosts immunity
- Please do not put boiling hot liquids on the Water Energizer.
- Please do not expose the Water Energizer to direct sunlight.